No more black box. Transparency in terms of how much banking revenues a corporate client generates for the bank(s) and how profitable this revenue actually is for the bank. Welcome to WalletSizing® - the best practice in BRM.
Vallstein software solutions enable ongoing monitoring, reporting and reconciliation of banking costs, ensuring embedded pro-active control and compliance with a company‘s banking policies. The WalletSizing® system provides a complete data view and in-depth analysis on all banking relationships.
This insight is essential in order to be able to achieve constructive optimization of a banking landscape and establish a true win-win for you and your banks, in which the banks will benefit from relationships that are based on stable, transparent and strategic partnerships with a fair, but not excessive, return. With WalletSizing® analytics companies can also easily achieve best practice in Share of Wallet allocation as per ESG policies on the selection of financial services providers.
The depth and quality of a WalletSizing® approach is fundamentally more comprehensive than an analysis that is just based on assessing banking costs and fees and awarded transaction volumes only. Taking into account hidden revenues and associated capital requirements under the applicable Basel Rules, across all banking products and services used, and including relevant Wallet-benchmarks in the analysis is what truly differentiates WalletSizing® from more traditional treasury consulting or spreadsheet-based comparison of bank conditions.